10 Nov CuRe
Case // CuRe

The groundbreaking CuRe technology makes it possible to recycle all polyester waste in a fully circular chain in an energy-efficient way and thus leading to a reduction of the global plastic waste mountain. For example, a used PET bottle is processed again into a new PET bottle and an old mattress into a new mattress. CuRe is an initiative of Cumapol, DSM-Niaga, DuFor and Morssinkhof in close collaboration with NHL Stenden University

We developed the positioning, the brand story and a campaign concept with which CuRe can focus on partners with whom the technology can be rolled out to. The pilot plant will open at the beginning of 2020 in Emmen, the Netherlands.

“GoodDay helped us make our high-tech technology appealingly and understandable to the general public” notes Josse Kunst, Director of Chemical Recycling at CuRe. “We are thrilled with our collaboration, and it has become a beautiful story.”